Couples Therapy, me?

Marriage GlueYes, you, and now, too!

You have been postponing it too long. That is why you are reading here. You can procrastinate all you want, but the problem will not solve itself. In fact, it will likely get bigger, as you build more and more layers of resentments. I say….enough postponing. Pick up the phone now and make that call.

I do not think there is a therapist in the area that treats more couples than I do. You are in good hands. I am very experienced in what I do. I have my unique and time-tested program. My clients always say that they prefer and seek out my direct style because they want guidance and a solution. Well, you got it! I won’t just sit there, listen for 45 minutes, and then say “Next!”


People ask me over the phone how long they will have to come in. Folks, I don’t know you yet, but I know that it took you years of repeating bad actions and stinky thinking to get you to where you are now. Some couples need more, others less. Sometimes, it takes less than 10 sessions to solve a problem. How? Easy: we work very hard at the first sessions, and when the problem gets better you only come in for “maintenance,” to make sure that things are on track.

The average time to “restore the sanity” is usually 3-6 months. We do not waste time here. We get the job done, and in a hurry because, frankly, I cannot stand seeing you in a miserable relationship, and neither can you.


If you are on a budget or want extra help beyond counseling, please sign up below to be included in our Marriage Glue Circle. We will let you know when a space becomes available. This unique program combines marriage workshops with therapy and meets once a month for two hours. You will be paired up with partners/mentors, who will support good behaviors and help you extinguish bad ones. Your accountability partners will help you get you to the results you want.

Think of this as your new non-crazy extended family!

This program only costs you $49 per couple per month (Wait, how many Frappuccinos is that?).

How much is your relationship worth to you?

My clients’ typical testimonial is: “I wished I had called you sooner.”

Now, get off that seat, and…



Change Now Inc.
 (619) 246-6700
615 E. Lexington Avenue, El Cajon, CA 92020